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Urban development promotes urban heat and rainwater runoff. Urban heat islands, caused by impermeable pavements and buildings, increase pollution and energy consumption. Runoff erodes waterways and contaminates drinking water sources while reducing groundwater recharge.
Concrete grass pavers, designed to mitigate these effects, allow for water infiltration and cool surfaces. Introduced in Germany in 1961 for parking lots, these pavers have since been used in Europe and North America to limit erosion and support infrastructure such as parking areas, boat ramps, and emergency access routes.
HydroDrain Permeable Pavers
High water infiltration capacity
Regular finish
This classic finish comprises small and large aggregates. This surface is the result of a manufacturing process that meets industry standards.
The Turfstone Linia 100 paver is available in a format for border or checkerboard installation.
Turfstone Paver
Grass paver surfaces help reduce heat islands by lowering local temperatures, thereby creating more comfortable urban microclimates. Concrete grass paver pavements are a proven solution for cooling urban climates and reducing air pollution.
With its unique rectangular shape, the turfstone Linia 100 paver offers both runner and checker patterns with grass or stones.
«Checker» Pattern
«Runner» Pattern
runner pattern with grass
Runner pattern with stones
The documentation related to this product contains all the important information you need to know to carry out your residential project. You will find all the details concerning the technical characteristics of the turfstone Linia 100 paver.