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This concrete paver is specifically designed for driveway entrances. The Citadin 80 paver is available in 1 format and 4 trendy colors, two of which contribute to the LEED program. Whether you’re aiming for a contemporary or classic look, its rectangular shape, smooth finish, and nuanced colors are sure to impress you. Whatever your choice, you’ll achieve a driveway or patio that meets your expectations.
Gray and charcoal
Ice gray
Travertine beige
Ivory beige
Regular finish
This classic finish comprises small and large aggregates. This surface is the result of a manufacturing process that meets industry standards.
Smooth Premium finish
This finish is soft and smooth to the touch, giving an even surface with very little roughness. Because of the finer mix used for the concrete, the finish is tight.
Colours contributing to the LEED program.
Le cachet du pavé en béton Citadin 80 confère un style contemporain, classique et raffiné à n’importe quel aménagement paysager. Les lignes épurées et son fini lisse en font une surface architecturale de premier choix. Le pavé Citadin 80 est idéal pour les aires de circulation automobile. Il est disponible dans quatre coloris nuancés, tendance et populaires. Les versions gris glacier et beige ivoire possèdent même un indice de réflectance solaire, contribuant à réduire les îlots de chaleur, ce qui rend les aménagements plus respectueux de l’environnement et plus confortables pour les usagers.
The unique format of the Citadin 80 paver is designed for border or checkerboard installations.
«Runner» Pattern
«Checker» Pattern
To confirm that the Citadin 80 paver is the best choice for your project, see the documentation provided in this section. This rectangular concrete paver’s technical specifications, as well as information on its finish, solar reflectance index, installation, and packaging, are all available.