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4 Tips to Create a Driveway thats Stand Out

July 16, 2020

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L’entrée est souvent un élément sous-estimé de l’aménagement paysager. Pourtant, elle joue un rôle majeur dans l’apparence de votre demeure : c’est elle qui donne la première impression qu’on a de la propriété. En plus d’accentuer le style de la maison, un bel aménagement augmente considérablement sa valeur. Il peut donc être très intéressant et avantageux d’investir dans un design qui saura faire tourner les têtes. La clé du succès pour une entrée qui se démarque est de créer des rappels avec la façade de votre demeure pour donner l’illusion d’un prolongement, un peu le reflet d’un magnifique paysage sur une étendue d’eau calme. Les agencements réalisés sauront épater la galerie en donnant une allure grandiose et luxueuse à l’ensemble de votre propriété. Pour un design réussi, choisissez un pavé qui saura évoquer l’essence même de votre demeure grâce à ses couleurs, textures, styles et formes. Voici maintenant 4 astuces pour créer une entrée remarquée dans votre cour.

1. Matching the colours

The first way to create a standout design for your driveway is to match the colours of your home. Create a unified look by choosing a paver with one or more colours reminiscent of your home and its adjacent structures. Dare to mix them! Contrasts can be useful to highlight each of the different colours used and the result can be surprisingly harmonious!

Got a brick house? Recalling the texture of your home’s masonry is a must for a standout design! For example, if your brick has a specific texture, choose a paver that has a similar one to create a visual continuity. No matter the style of your home, recalling its various textures will take your landscaping design to the next level.

2. Recalling the various textures

3. Daring to incorporate shapes

For a dynamic and original look, dare to incorporate the various shapes or lines that can be found on the facade of your home in the design of your driveway. Note that contemporary-styled houses are the perfect candidates for this thanks to their straight lines and geometric shapes. Choose a paver that will be able to recreate them and voilà! The final result will surely be original as well as innovative.

4. Using your creativity

Our last tip for a remarkable driveway is to let your creativity flow. Got a particular idea in mind? Go for it! You can also incorporate patterns and mosaics to your paver layout to recall one of your home’s specific design elements. The possibilities are endless!


It is often said that there is beauty in simplicity, but the opposite is just as true! Dare to mix and match various lines, shapes, textures and colours. The most beautiful designs are often the most daring! Just make sure you have just the right amount of all of those elements and you’ll have a unique driveway that resembles you.



Feeling inspired? Our designers can help you bring your ideas to life! Make an appointment with us to start creating your landscaping plan. Contact us! Follow us on facebook and Instagram for more inspiration!

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