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Does your home's yard need some love? It's a nice problem to have when you think of all the options available to you. Nevertheless, carrying out a landscaping project can be a real headache since you don't want to make any mistakes for an investment of this importance - especially if you want your landscape to last a long time! You need to find a serious company with experience that guarantees results that meet your expectations. Here's why you can trust Bolduc to guide you through your project.
At Bolduc, landscaping is a real passion. The company has been in the business for over 65 years, and we’ve built our reputation one customer at a time. Today our experience is as solid as a Citadin 90 wallstone!
Just think of the landscaping of the Videotron Centre in Quebec City, the University of Montreal Health Centre (CHUM), or Queen Street in Ottawa.
Was the choice of products left to chance? Of course not! We needed products that were reliable, durable, resistant to Canadian winters, and also aesthetically pleasing over the years. If our paving stone can withstand the thousands of visitors to the Ottawa Queen Street without flinching, your yard is safe!
Everyone has different tastes, and almost everything is possible. We quickly realized this. As such, we offer slabs, pavers, borders, steps, and wallstones to meet all expectations. Classic, contemporary, natural, exotic – whatever style you have in mind, we can help you create a lasting design that suits your taste.
What’s more, savvy consumers will be happy to know that Bolduc manufactures its own products in Canada! You’ll be proud to have bought locally, and it’s always a plus to count on materials that have already seen snow.
With Bolduc, you are never alone. We support you every step of the way, referring you to trusted landscapers and designers in your area. In fact, we deal exclusively with professionals who have proven track records. They share your vision and ensure that it is carried out to perfection, according to your requirements.
Do you have some manual skills, and would you like to start by yourself? Why not? Bolduc offers a technical support service that allows do-it-yourselfers to get their hands dirty without fear of making mistakes.
As you know, to make a dream come true, you need experts, a good plan, and good products as a whole. Each step must respect the previous one to perfection, otherwise, if anything goes wrong in the end, it’s disappointing and frustrating!
Peace of mind, a renowned company, reliable products, spectacular results – these are what we offer you. We can assist you in the planning, design, and execution of your landscaping project.