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Design Ideas

The Secret to a Beautiful and Practical Backyard: Creating Zones with Concrete Products

July 1, 2023

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In any backyard, there are usually many elements that must be spread out in the space--but, how do you make it all look good? Our secret to creating a practical and elegant backyard is to use zoning. In this blog post, we'll show you a number of ways to use this technique with our concrete products.

First of all, what is zoning?

This technique consists of creating separate zones in a landscaping without the use of partitions. There are several ways to apply this method, including the use of exterior floor coverings of different sizes, colors, textures, and materials.

How to use this design technique

There are many ways to use zoning. Here are some examples with pictures of actual projects to help you use this design technique with concrete products in your backyard.

1. Using a contrasting paver:

The addition of a black coping around the pool is commonly used to properly define the pool and make it look bigger. Our favorite product to recreate this effect is the Citadin 60 coping in black. 

2. Combining different slabs:

In this project, Hexagon pavers, Supra Citadin slabs, and Citadin M60 modular slabs have all been used. This combination preserves the harmony of the yard while allowing for the clear separation of the fireplace area, dining area, and spa area.

3. Combining different colors:

The combination of these three slab colors defines the dining area under the gazebo while creating a linear pattern on the floor. Featured colors in this design: sandstone brown, black, and ivory beige. 

4. Combining different textures:

The use of two finishes in this design is noteworthy. The Supra Citadin M60 with its smooth finish was used in the dining area, while the Prestige 60 with its grenart finish was installed in the lounge area. This contrast in texture creates two very distinct zones.

5. Combining materials:

The lounge area by the pool was set up on a wooden deck, creating a different level and a distinct zone of the pool. In landscaping, the combined use of raw materials like wood and concrete is common and trendy. Use this combination to create different zones in your backyard.

6. Combining different installation patterns:

Two installation patterns were used on this concrete patio. The runner pattern was used for the dining and living room area, while the modular pattern was used for the poolside, which allows for a clear separation of these two zones without compromising the harmony of the design. 

We hope to have demystified zoning for you so that you can design a beautiful and practical backyard. Ready to get started on your landscaping project? Work with professionals!

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